What kind of month is it for the girls in September? After the hot summer weather, between hot and cold, at the beginning of autumn, for 3COLOUR, September is like a gentle woman. Even though she is faced with changes, she is still firmly on her way.

Azolla is a symbol of freedom in colorism. It is also an active adventurist who likes to break the shackles of rules. No matter the knitwear or dress this season, they are filled with quiet blue. Join the blue party of autumn and winter! Although it is only equipped with a blue skirt, it can make you look professional and calm.

Three color COLOUR women's clothing brand autumn 2015 women's wear with popular recommended

Three color COLOUR women's clothing brand autumn 2015 women's wear with popular recommended

Three color COLOUR women's clothing brand autumn 2015 women's wear with popular recommended

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Wedding Dresses in Color

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